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The Swiss Embassy says:


Among the flags of contemporary European countries, that of Switzerland is one of the most ancient and one of the most modern. It has a white cross in a red field; the cross is the same length on all sides and each arm is one-sixth longer than its width. The flag looks back upon 700 years of history. To trace the origin, one must go back to beginning of the Confederation. By the early Middle Ages the cross was commonly used on coins and seals and, as a symbol of the Christian faith, it was carried into battle on the banners of the various warring parties.

Documents and records show that the white cross, which appeared on the banner of Schwyz (one of the first Cantons which gave its name to Switzerland) in the year 1240, had been bestowed upon the Canton by the Emperor Frederick II as a token of its freedom. And from that time onwards, the citizens of the Confederation used a white cross, made of long strips of linen, as their common sign in battle to distinguish themselves from their enemies. Every man in the army either wore it on his tunic or on his armor. Although each Canton had its own flag in battle, every Swiss carried the white cross as his battle standard.

As the national flag, the white cross first appeared on a red background on the Confederation's seal in 1814. It has been officially in use since 1848, when Switzerland was transformed from a loose federation of different Cantons into the present Confederation with a central government. Its acceptance as the national flag is mainly due to the initiative of General Dufour.

The use of the red cross on a white background, which is actually the Swiss flag reversed, was granted to the International Red Cross to commemorate the organization founded by Henri Dunant, citizen of Geneva. Indeed, the plenipotentiaries of 35 nations, assembled in Geneva on July 6, 1906 to revise the "Geneva Convention," stated as follows in the enacting clause concerning the symbol of the International Red Cross: "To do homage to Switzerland, the heraldic arms of the Red Cross on a white field, which is formed by reversal of the Swiss Federal arms, shall be maintained as a distinctive emblem of the medical services of most armies.

This is a gross simplification. In fact, colours in flags rarely mean anything - there are soi few available. On the cantonal flags, the red represented, as it still does on many flags, freedom - the freedom of each canton to govern itself independently of anyone but the Holy Roman Emperor. The white cross was added to the dress of the Swiss because every nation in Europe employed Swiss mercenaries from time to time, and they didn't want to end up fighting each other.

Note also a curious coincidence: Because it was originally a battle standard, the Swiss flag is square. The only other national flag of that shape is the flag of the Vatican - which is also the only state left which employs Swiss mercenaries.

the red stands for freedom the red stands for freedom

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βˆ™ 11y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

In medieval times the German emperor fought under the sign of a cross - suggesting a "holy war". The color "red" was used to show his power, deciding between life and death. Christian troops tried to conquer the holy city of Jerusalem from 1000 until around 1300...

In 1291 three regions agreed to form a defence coalition in Western Europe. These three cantons, called Uri, Schwyz and Unterwalden are therefore the founder states of Switzerland... leading to 20 full and 6 semi-cantons joining all together until after 1800 and forming the country. The state of Schwyz giving the name for Switzerland also gave its flag to the country... having a red ground... as they supported the emperor in earlier battles... and later receiving a cross (white).

The inversion, the red cross on white ground is the official flag of the international RED CROSS ORGANISATION, with headquarters in Switzerland.

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βˆ™ 16y ago

Switzerland's national flag is a red square (not a rectangle!) with a white cross on it, whose arms do not reach the borders. Until 1890 the arms of the white cross had the same width as their length, but then it was decided that they should be one sixth longer than wide. The Swiss Cross, as it is often called by the native population, is a generalization of the coat of arms of canton Schwyz, one of the three founding members of the Swiss confederation back in 1291.

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βˆ™ 10y ago


I am from Switzerland put more information about that buetiful country:)

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βˆ™ 12y ago

the Swiss flag is red with a white cross in the middle the opposite of the red cross flag.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

the cross on the switzerlands flag stands for christians values and the red stands for blood red flags of war.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

See below for facts.

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