Mao Zedong is on the 100 yuan bill. He is the co founder of the Chinese Communist Party.
Chinese currency is not measured in dollars.
It is the red/pink 100 Renminbi note.
Please go to the sites below for images.
A 100 dollar Chinese bill (sic) will be worth $100 in America. A Chinese 100-yuan note in America will be worth about $12.
HGAL means 100 gallons on your water bill. The average person uses 100 per day
It's a 1966 A $100 Red Seal Elston/Kennedy bill, nothing more.
American $100 bill :)
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Well if you mean "Benjamin Franklin", he is on the US $100 dollar bill. I don't know of any "Benjimen Franklyn" on any bill.
define the array lets say main() { int x[100]; for (int i=0;i<x;i++) scanf("%d",&x[i]); } this way ull scan 100 characters if that is what you mean...if you need to print them a similar printf loop can be made