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Many manufactured goods, including electronics, aircraft, computers and servers, consumer electronics, processed foods, ships, LCD screens, biotechnology, rolling stock, automotive and aircraft engines, cellular phones, industrial equipment and lithium batteries.

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Q: What does the Mexico produce with its natural resources industries?
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Is petroleum is one of Mexico's most important natural resources?

Petroleum is one of Mexico natural resources but not the most important

Is there a connection between Mexico's natural resources and the products they make?

Yes, they do. They help manufacture the products Mexico exports. At the very least, they are exported themselves, such as oil and silver.

What resources or industry products are there in New Mexico?

Petroleum, natural gas, copper, gold, silver and zinc are natural resources in New Mexico.

Is the US or Mexico richer in natural resources?

It depends: the US is much richer in some resources and Mexico in others.

What is Houston Texas natural resources?

Gulf of Mexico

What are New Mexico natural resources?

There are quite a few Natural Resources in New Mexico such as raw metal. You could also find many minerals and Earth stones.Some natrural resources in Mexico are petroleum ,silver , copper,sold, lead,zinc, natural ,and timber.

What is the natural resources of New Mexico?

it is a nice place it is like Mexico that is nice too.

Are raw diamonds one of Mexico's natural resources?

Mexico is not known for its raw diamonds.

Which of these natural resources is found underground in Texas New Mexico and Oklahoma?

Natural Gas

Who are Mexico natural resources used by?

They are distributed unevenly along the Mexican territory. Some examples would be: oil and natural gas along the Gulf of Mexico; gold in Baja California Sur, silver in the state of Zacatecas, copper in Sonora or Iron in Coahuila.

What is Chihuahua Mexico natural resources?

zinc ,lead,timber/forestry

Some major industries of Cancun Mexico?

Tourism is by far the largest one. Construction is also important, including some gravel and cement plants. There are no other industries in Cancun, as 1) there are not too many natural resources in the region, besides the natural beauty found and 2) those industries would be in detriment of the tourism, as they would pollute or otherwise harm the many ecosystems present around the city.