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Q: What does the 187 in Detroit 1-8-7 mean?
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What does the 187 stand for in the new tv show Detroit 187?

187 is the police code for murder - it's a homicide show set in Detroit - Detroit 1-8-7.

What does 187 in Detroit 187 television show mean?

California Penal Code for Homicide. Detroit however is not located in California. In my opinion this is poor choice for a title, but "187" was popularized by West Coast rap in the early 90s, and is synonymous with murder. The show has subsequently been canceled.

What do numbers 187 stand for in Detroit 187?

According to the entry in Wikipedia, 187 is a numeric code for the crime of murder.

How do you get the square of 187 how do you write the answer since you cant square it?

What do you mean you can't square it? The square of 187 is 187*187 which is 34969.

Did ABC cancel 187 Detroit?

Not that i know of. They didnt play the show over Christmas

What does 187 mean in a dream?

187 stands for murder, as defined in the California Penal Code.

What does 187 mean on a cop radio?


What does 187 mean with it crossed out?

It means that nikka is dead

When cops say there is a 187 in progress what do they mean?

There is no standard radio "code" - they can vary greatly between departments and agencies. - - - - - - - In some places a 187 is a homicide. So 187 in progress would be homicide in progress.

What is 55 of 340?

Assuming you mean 55 percent of 340... 187

What is 49 percent of 187?

49 percent of 187 = 91.6349% of 187= 49% * 187= 0.49 * 187= 91.63

What is 187 divisible by?

187 is divisible by 17 and 11. 187 divided by 17=11.