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He jumped their bones for40 days and nights

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Q: What does perseus do or says when he visits the nymphs?
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Did Perseus find the Nymphs of the North or the Nymphs of the west?

That depends on the version of the myth. Some say he found the Nymphs of the West and some say he found the Nymphs of the North. The Nymphs of the West are Hesperides (daughters of Atlas) and the Nymphs of the North are Stygian Nymphs. In either version, they gave Perseus the location of the gorgons, but only in some they were the ones who gave him his special weapons.

What gifts do the Nymphs of the north give perseus?

The Nymphs of the north give Perseus a cap of darkness or invisibility and a pair of winged sandals to aid him in his quest to defeat Medusa and escape her sisters.

What special gifts does Perseus's receive from the nymphs of the north?

A megic bag and the Cap of Darkness

What special gifts does perseus receive from the nymphs of the north?

A megic bag and the Cap of Darkness

What is a story about Hermes?

Hermes aided Perseus in killing the gorgon (Medusa) by giving Perseus his winged sandals and telling him to find the Gray Sisters so they could direct him to the nymphs of the North. When he reached the nymphs they would give him Zeus' sword, Hades' helmet, and Athena's shield.

Why do Hermes Athena and the Nymphs of the North Help perseus in his quest to kill medusa?

there hair was a mass of writhing snakes

Are water nymphs angels that can control water?

in greek mythology it says that water nymphs are spirtullay made from water. so the answer is yes. thay can control water

Why did Perseus visit the gray sisters?

He needed to ask them where the nymphs of the north lived because he needed 3 magical items from them. When he got their he took their only eye and forced them to tell him where they lived.

What is the roman name for nymphs?

Nymphs. Wood nymphs are dryads/ napaeae; tree nymphs are hamadryads; water, stream and fountain nymphs are naiads; sea nymphs are nereids; ocean nymphs are oceanids; and mountain nymphs are oreads.

What are the divine gifts Perseus receives as he sets out on his quest to kill Medusa?

Perseus was given a sword that couldn't be broken by the Gorgon's scales, no matter how hard they were( from Hermes) and a shield and a knapsack ( from Athena).Additional answer:Also the winged sandals (from Hermes) and an invisibility cap.NO the invisibility cap was kept by the (sea?) nymphsim not sure what kind of nymphs

Why does Hermes tell Perseus that rashness is a family trait?

Perseus' promise to kill the Medusa was a rash one, unaided he could not have done that. Perseus is the son of Zeus, and so is Hermes. They have made some rash decisions too. Therefore Hermes, the half-brother of Perseus, comes to assist him and says this to comfort P.

Where did Perseus visit?

if your talking about greek mythology he lives in the sea and visits his brothers and sister when necessary. Try watching Percy Jackson Lightnening thief and the Battle of the Titans