ofa atu means I love you. And alofa means love in samoan. i hope that helps! Alofa and Ofa are two very different words. Alofa means love. Ofa is not a Samoan word. That sounds Tongan.
Alofa tele ia te oe is Samoan, and it translates to "Love you very much". Ofa atu is Tongan, and I think it means the same thing. I know ofa in Tonga is love, but I am not sure of "ofa atu".
This is in the Tongan Language it means: (I Love You)
'Ofa lahi atuo = love you heaps " 'ofa atu" is similar to "love you" in English, lahi means heaps/lots Other variations include: 'Ofa au ia koe (=I love you) 'Ofa lahi atu kia koe (I love you a lot / I love you heaps) My partner is Tongan and he tells me all the time ;) 'ofa atu means I Love You. buh im not shure what lahi stands for ? i dont think that is the correct saying. - im Samoan&Tongan
Ofa Guttenbeil's birth name is Ofa-ki-Levuka Louise Guttenbeil.
Ofa 'atu, but growin around my Tongan elders, this is the correct way, ofa 'atu!
Ofa Guttenbeil goes by Baby O.
Steph is not a Samoan name therefore does not have a Samoan translation.
Samoan Pride
Leonard is not a Samoan name so does not have a Samoan translation.