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It means that they love each other, but it isn't kissing its regurgitating seeds and putting them into the other's mouth.

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Q: What does it mean when your parakeets kiss with open mouths?
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Some People do open mouth

How do you kiss someone with tongues?

As you are kissing, both of you open your mouths and just let your tongues sweep into the other person's mouth.

How can a twelve year old girl french kiss?

# You go in as if your going in for a regular kiss (if you know how) # A french kiss is actually really easy, as your lips touch your mouths slightly open. # As your mouths open your tongue basically massages the other persons tongue, as your kiss becomes more passionate. # Your tongue slowly, begins to move into your partners mouth. # As you both kiss you both begin to urge for more kissing. As it becomes stronger you may want to be careful. WARNING: Don't do anything you will regret. (just letting you know the french kiss is the most sexual)

What is the difference in a kiss and a french kiss?

A kiss typically involves pressing your lips against another person's lips, whereas a French kiss, also known as a deep kiss, involves more intimate contact. During a French kiss, the participants open their mouths and use their tongues to explore each other's mouths. It's a more passionate and intimate form of kissing.

Why do birds have their mouths open?

to eat, or to sing, or to vomit into the mouths of their children

Why do crocodiles sleep with their mouths on the beach?

Crocodiles are often seen on the beach, looking like they are asleep, with their mouths open. What they are doing is basking, they keep their mouths open to regulate their body temperature. People sweat, dogs and cats pant, and crocodiles open their mouths :)

What is french kis?

A French kiss is a passionate kiss that involves the tongue. It typically involves open-mouth kissing with tongue-to-tongue contact. French kisses are often seen as more intimate and romantic compared to regular kissing.

Do parakeets live in the rainforest?

No, parakeets do not live in the rainforest. Parakeets are commonly found in a variety of habitats such as grasslands, woodlands, and savannas. They prefer areas with open spaces and plenty of food sources.

Why do eels open and close their mouths?

eels must open and cloth their mouths constantly in order to circulate water over their gills

How do you french kiss somone?

Well you kiss them like normal at first then you open your mount and stick out your tongue You mainly swap spit while sticking your tongues in each others mouths Well, you could sorda of tongue restle while having fun.

What is your mouth like when you kiss with tongues?

During a French kiss, both partners' mouths are open and their tongues touch and move together in a rhythmic manner. It's a common form of intimate physical interaction that can deepen the connection between partners.

What do orange and light green glitter bracelets mean?

open mouth kiss