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Expulsion means throwing out, expelling, excluding.

For example, in 1290 King Edward I expelled all Jews from England. They were ordered to leave the country by a certain date. On their way out of England many were beaten up and robbed, and some were killed. Obviously, an order from the king, throwing them out, sent out the (inaccurate) message that they were no longer protected by the laws of the land.

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Q: What does expulsion of the Jews mean?
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The Christians beacuse, they took over the Jews businesses

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How did Jews and Muslims react to the royal orders of expulsion

Why the Jews were expelled from England in 1290?

No reason is recorded for the expulsion of the Jews from England in 1290 by Edward I. Answer 2 The Statute of Jewry in 1275 (see the page Edict of Expulsion on Wikipedia, it's extremely helpful) gave Jews 15 years to be farmers, an occupation formerly prohibited for Jews. In 1290, when the statute expired, Jews were expelled, supposed because they violated the statute.

Where did the Jews go after their expulsion from England in 1290?

I beleave they whent to africa sout africa

Have similar events to the expulsion of the Jews from England accured since the middle ages?

its called the haulacost

Who did the king and queen of Spain kick out in 1492?

The Jews were ordered to convert to Catholicism or face expulsion

How did the expulsion of Muslims and Jews affect the spanish economy?

Minor affects since most converted.

What event caused an outcry for a Jewish homeland in Palestine?

No single event, Jews had wished to return to their ancestral lands to rejoin the Jews remaining there since the Roman expulsion.

What one doesn't fit in Hitler's plan to rid Europe of Jews expulsion ghettos transportation or annihilation?


What three policies did the Nazis implement as their plan to deal with the Jews question evolved?

expulsion, containment and final solution