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It gives us the only insight to how ancient people believed the world worked and how it was ordered, their explanation to the unseen but profound forces of the natural world and themselves.

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Q: What does culture mythology reveal about its world view?
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How does culture affect worldviews?

Culture affects world views in various ways. Most people will view the world in the eyes of their cultural background which results into different view which may contradict each other.

What is the relevance of greek mythology?

Any mythology of ancient people - our distant ancestors - opens a view into how they saw the world, what they believed, and you may find that for all differences, the similarities are staggering.

What is the collective perspective shared by members of a culture?

values and interests.

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Eurocenticism : focusing on European culture or history to the exclusion of a wider view of the world; implicitly regarding European culture as preeminent. =]

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Art reflects the culture. It shows the trends, the prevailing view of the world, and guiding philosophy used. A good example would be Michelangelo's Sistine painting with man touching the hand of God. He was reflecting the Neoplatonic view of the world that was gaining recognition.

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Answer: It reveals a document's formatting.

Importance of language to study culture?

I assume you mean the language of the culture you are studying Each cultural group has its own 'world view', the way it perceives, and interprets the world around it, this world view is reflected in the language. Some Eskimo tribes have as many as seven different words for types of snow, while some African cultures have no word at all for snow. So language and culture are very much intertwined and study of a culture will also involve some study of the culture's language.

From what point of view is mythology told?

Usually it's third-person narrative, in an omniscient point of view.

How do the arts of Egyptian civilization reveal an optimistic view of life?

The arts of egyptian civilaztion reveal an optimistic view of life in the sense that they accomodate the views that the egyptians would have life after death and had many people to worship.

How might globalists and traditionalists view culture places and region differently?

A globalist would look at the overall culture of the entire world as higher than that of the individual components. A traditionalist is opposite.

What is emic worldview?

The emic worldview refers to the insider's perspective or understanding of a culture or society. It involves studying a culture from within, focusing on how the members of that culture perceive and interpret their world. This approach helps to understand the nuances, meanings, and values that are important to the people within that culture.

What you learn in the story a creation story from Luzon?

You will learn another theory on how the world began, as well as a view into the culture of the people who believe it.