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Arctic foxes are carnivorous, and will eat almost any meat.
It needs thick fur and small features to keep the cold out, which it already does. It also needs lots of food, especially energy.

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8y ago
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10y ago

Artic foxes have thick fur, changing fur colour and sturdy feet.

-Thick fur to help them stay warm.

-Changing fur colour when it is cold to help the camouflage.

-Sturdy feet so the wont melt into the snow.

It helps the to survive longer.

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13y ago

The Arctic fox lives in some of the most frigid extremes on the planet. Among its adaptations for cold survival are its deep, thick fur, a system of countercurrent heat exchange in the circulation of paws to retain core temperature, and a good supply of body fat.

The fox has a low surface area to volume ratio, as evidenced by its generally rounded body shape, short muzzle and legs, and short, thick ears. Since less of its surface area is exposed to the Arctic cold, less heat escapes the body. Its furry paws allow it to walk on ice in search of food.

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12y ago

easy food/water/and a white coat which they call fur

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Q: What does an Arctic wolf need to survive?
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Why does the Arctic wolf need these features?

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What does Arctic wolf need to survive?

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How does an Arctic wolf survive?

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Yes, an arctic wolf is a mammal.yes

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Is a arctic wolf an omnavor?

An arctic wolf is a carnivore.

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No, Arctic wolves are mammals and not reptiles.

Is the Arctic wolf from the northern or southern hemisphere?

The Arctic Wolf and the Arctic are in the Northern Hemisphere.