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Q: What does Zeus promise the sun god?
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In Greek mythology who was god of sun and brother Zeus?

God Apollo was Zeus' Brother and God of Sun.

What are the differences between Zeus and RA?

Zeus is a Greek god associated with thunder and the sky, while Ra is an ancient Egyptian sun god. Zeus is often depicted with a thunderbolt, while Ra is usually depicted with a sun disk on his head. Additionally, Zeus is part of the Greek pantheon of gods, while Ra is part of the Egyptian pantheon.

What is the purpose of the flashback when Thetis helped defend Zeus?

To shjow why Zeus a powerful god would make a promise and help the Nereid Thetis.

Who was the god of all gods in Egypt?

The Sun God Ra, which is the equivelant to Zeus, the god of lightning.

How are Zeus and Apollo different?

Zeus is the Lord of the Sky and the King of the Gods, Apollo is the God of the Sun.

What planet is named after Zeus?

The planet Jupiter is named after the Roman god Jupiter, who is equivalent to the Greek god Zeus.

Which god did the Greeks admired?

Zeus, the King of the Gods. Zeus is the cause for rain, sun, thunder, and lightning.

What is some History of The Greek God of Apollo?

he was the god of the sun,never married, son of Zeus

What was Apollos god?

Apollo was a Greek god, the son of Zeus and Leto. He was the god of light, the sun, truth, and prophecy.

Was Zeus a part of ancient Egyptian religion?

Zeus was the King of the Gods in Greek mythology, not Egyptian. The Egyptian ruler god was arguably the Sun God, Ra.

What is apollos realm?

He is the god of Archery, music, oracles, the sun and poetry. He is artemiss twin brother and the son of Zeus and Leto.

Who are Zeus and Apollo?

Zeus is the king of the gods in Greek mythology, known for his role as the god of thunder and lightning. Apollo is Zeus's son, associated with music, poetry, art, and healing. He is also known as the god of the sun and light.