There are several listed meanings for the abbreviation of PX. Some include Planet X, Post Exchange, Pixel, and Phoenix Field Office.
Yes, the Plextor PX-PH08U is one.
PX is a standard Army and other Military expression for Post Exchange. these were specialized, On-Post ( base, fort, etc) shopping establishments. the Post angle does not refer to the Postal service that would be APO- Army Post Office- followed by a numeral code. or APO New York, etc. There was a PX on the Bayonne Naval Base which had a fine hobby shop, many old kits.
PX is not copyrightable. There are more than 60 trademarks including PX, however.
Batang PX was created in 1997.
What does px welcome
'PX' ??? I don't known what 'PX' means. However, in Statisitcs(Maths), when written as 'P(x)' it means the probability of 'x'.
In business terms, PX means price.
2048 px by 1707 px
The duration of Batang PX is 1.88 hours.