New York City is larger than Canada's capital city Ottawa. The population in New York City is approximately 8,500,000. the population in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada is approximately 285,000.
Ottawa is a city in Ontario, Canada, which is in North America. It is near the states of New York and Maine.
440 miles
It is about 440 miles.
Via rail or Greyhound from Ottawa to New York City via Montreal
The driving distance is about 708 km.
The driving distance from NYC to Ottawa, Canada is 439 road miles, using I-81 North.
The most often used means of transport are road, rail and air travel.
Approximately 7 1/2 hours.
Toronto, Ottawa., Quebec City, New York and Boston
Examples of common nouns for the proper noun 'New York' are:statecitymetropolisgeographic area