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Q: What does Israel eat on hannahaka?
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What kind of food do people eat in Israel. List all the food people eat in Israel.?

some of the main foods people eat in israel

What do the people from Israel eat?

What should you eat in Israel?

shwarma and falafel

What do they eat in Israel?

Israeli people eat just about everything they like to. you can find a variety of cuisine and restaurants in Israel. religious Jews eat only kosher food. They don't eat pig, sea food, or milk products and meat at the same meal. religious mu slim eat only halal food. they don't eat pig, don't touch alcohol.

What does Israel eat for Christmas?

Israel is a country so doesn't eat anything. The Israeli population are Jewish and do not celebrate Christmas so they will eat the same food as any other day.

What kind of food do they eat in Israel?

unleven bread

What does Israel mainly eat?

They mainly eat the following:A lot of wheatMeatsGrainsThey mostly eat the wheats, meats, and grains.

What do Jews eat in Israel?

simle regular food, exept for relegious jaws who eat "Kosher" food.

Where are Sharon fruits from?

They are from Israel. BUT DONT EAT THEM just warning you and if you ever DO eat one fine but dont eat the skin DONTT

How do you eat Kosher in Israel?

it's very easy you just have to ask and see the document that specifies it. Most of the places are kosher in israel.

What did the Children of Israel eat while in the wilderness?

According to the Bible, the Children of Israel eat Manna, a substance provided to them from heaven on a daily basis.

What do Jewish families eat at Christmas?

Jews do not celebrate Christmas and so do not eat any special foods for Christmas.