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Q: What does Hawaii state seal mean?
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What is Hawaii's state mammal?

Monk Seal...

Hawaii's state mammal?

hawaiian monk seal

What is Hawaii's state animal?

Hawaii State Mammal: Hawaiian monk seal (Monachus schauinslandi)Hawaii State Marine Mammal: Humpback Whale (Megaptera novaeangliae)

What is Hawaii's state seal?

The Official Hawaii State SealDepicted above is the state seal of Hawaii. The seal of the state of Hawaii is a symbol of the authority and sovereignty of the state and is a valuable asset of its people. It is the intent of the state government to ensure that appropriate uses are made of the state seal and to assist the secretary of state in the performance of the secretary's constitutional duty as custodian of the seal.

What does the Hawaii state seal say?

The Hawaii state motto is "The life of the land is perpetuated by righteousness"

What is the symbol of Hawaii?

Hawaii has a variety of symbols. The state's flower symbol is the Yellow Hibiscus. The Monk seal is the state animal. The Hula is the state dance.

What is on the state seal?

Vitus is on the Virginia state seal, if that is what you mean.

What s the state bird of Hawaii?

Humpback Whale and Hawaiian monk seal.Hawaii State Mammal: Hawaiian monk seal (Monachus schauinslandi)Hawaii State Marine Mammal: Humpback Whale (Megaptera novaeangliae)==

What goddess is on the state seal?

Vitus is on the Virginia state seal, if that is what you mean.

When did the monk seal became Hawaii's state mammal?

On 11 June 2008.

The hoary bat and the monk seal are the only mammal species endemic to what US state?


What does Hawaii's state seal stand for?

The hawaiian state tree is Kukui,state fish is the reef triggerfish also known as the Humuhumunukunuku apa'a.