"Aloha Aku-Aloha Mai" is a Hawaiian phrase that translates to "I give my love to you and you give your love to me." The word "Aloha" is a common Hawaiian greeting that also conveys love, peace, and compassion. Therefore, the phrase signifies a mutual exchange of love and affection between individuals.
The word Aku translates into English as to open or to begin.
The phrase "A hui hou" is used in Hawaiian to mean goodbye-till we meet again.
The word 'akku' doesn't really mean anything, but the word 'aku' means "evil."
The Hawaiian phrase for "goodbye till we meet again" is "a hui hou."
In Hawaiian, you can say "Aloha e ko'u kino, kipa hou aku," which translates to "Hope to meet you soon."
nagtatanong nga aku eh aku pa pag susulatin nyu bulok
Aku aku says: BULBEGAR!
Aku-Aku was created in 1958.
Aloha: Say: paha kakou hoʻi hou aku [paha kay-ko ho'ee ho ah-koo]
Ekahi Aloha means One Love.
Aloha: My love