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Q: What do you think is the main reason that de crevecoeur prefers America to Europe?
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What do you think is the main reason de Crevecoeur prefers America to Europe?

De Crevecoeur prefers America to Europe mainly because he sees America as a place of opportunity and new beginnings. He admires the social mobility and freedom that people have in America compared to the rigid class systems and limitations in Europe. Additionally, he appreciates the vast, unspoiled land in America and the potential for success that it offers.

What role did religion play in the lives of pilgrims and puritans?

It was a major reason for their migration. Look into Calvinism. Pre-destination wasn't accepted in Europe and many believers instead came to America.

Why catholism is a minority religion in north America?

One reason might be that many minorities left Europe, to flee from religious oppression.

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What did people in Europe call America?

The United States. This is because America is usually referred to as the continents of North and South America. In some languages, people of the United States aren't even referred to as Americans for this reason (such as Spanish).

Why did the dutch come to America?

was to make money and find better living then they had in Europe,better land to live in.Finanacial reason's make better life.

Why did Germany bomb Europe?

To frighten in order to establish more power over the bombed area. Same reason America bombs the Middle East.

What transformed the landscape of Western Europe and North America?

Glaciers melting is the main reason why western Europe and North America look the way they do today. A vast ice age froze just about everything north of the Equator, and then the glaciers started to melt, carving vast lakes and rivers.

What part of europe is Denmark?

Denmark is a country that is part of Europe. The reason why Denmark is sometimes (incorrectly) considered part of North America is that the island of Greenland, which is part of the kingdom of Denmark, is actually geographically in North America.

Why is one reason colonist came to America?

a few reasons, 1. religious freedom/escaping the class system in Europe 2. Economic opportunity (land and gold were valuable and also plentiful in the new world. 3. Many people came to America as indentured servants to escape the debt they inherited in Europe

For what reason did people in Europe become crusaders?

The reason people in europe became crusaders is because they were going to habe a war and a trip to jerusalem

What region did Europe focus on gold mining and rubber manufacturing?

There is no gold or rubber in Europe. Rubber comes from tropical regions and that is one reason they wanted to colonize tropical countries. Gold was another reason for colonies and exploring. Spain found gold in the southwest of North America and Germany found gold as well as diamonds in South Africa. They had to go out of Europe to find these things.