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I think it will never happen if Palestines dont send every day rockets into Israel.

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Q: What do you think about Israel attacking Palestine?
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Why don't the Jews stop attacking Palestine?

Because Palestine keeps attacking the Jews.

Why is Israeli doing this to Palestine?

I believe that Israel has told Palestine again and again that they will defend themselves whenever they are attacked first. That's what Israel has done.... again and again. Israel is occupying only 10% of the country they were promised by Palestine. They are constantly being forced back and the palestinians have said that they will force them into the sea! Can you blame them for defending themselves? I can't understand why palestine keeps attacking first and the whole world gets upset at Israel because they are defending themselves?

What are two other names for Israel and Palestine?

Israel is also known as the State of Israel or the Land of Israel. Palestine is also referred to as the State of Palestine or the Palestinian Territories.

Where is nazareth palestine or Israel?

Israel, in the area formerly known as Palestine until 1948.

What was the principal purpose for the Oslo accord of 1992?

To end violance between palestine and Israel.

WHo controlled Palestine and Israel in the sixteenth century?

The Ottoman Empire controlled Palestine and Israel in the 16th century.

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Who fled Palestine after establishment of Israel?

Palestinian Arabs fled Palestine after the establishment of Israel.

When did Palestine become Israel?

Answer 1Palestine is still Palestine. People just think it is israel. But it is NOT!!Answer 2Israel was a historical term for the land before the Romans created the term Palestine. This original term became the name of the Modern State of Israel in 1948 when Jewish groups were able to establish a State.

What did the roman empire called the modern day Israel?

The Roman Empire referred to modern-day Israel as Palestine. Modern-day Israel was referred to as Palestine up until 1948. In 1948 the United Nations formed the country of Israel from the Palestine state.

Is the Palestine the Islamic country?

There are over 50 Islamic countries, so Palestine is certainly not the only Islamic country, but if you are considering Israel and Palestine, yes, Palestine is the Islamic country while Israel is the Jewish country.

What land is shared between Israel and Palestine?

The British Mandate of Palestine.