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Getting Your Learners Permit in Florida

When you turn 15 years old in Florida you are eligible to get your Learner License (AKA Learners Permit) - here are the steps:

· Complete the DATA course - this is required and can be completed online and

· Study your Road Signs and Rules to prepare for the written DMV Test

· You have the option of taking a Preparation Course for the DMV test

· Take the DMV written test

The DMV Test

Before anyone (regardless of age) can get their first drivers license or learner permit in Florida they must pass the DMV Test. Before you can take the DMV test you must complete the DATA course, which is the Drug, Alcohol, Traffic Awareness class.

The DMV test is comprised of 40 questions. 20 of the questions address road signs and 20 of the questions address road rules. You must get at least 15 answers correct in each section.

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18y ago

A provisional permit, you will need the following: Be at least 15

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9y ago

Your permit for what? -building permit, shipping permit for dangerous goods, marriage permit - - -

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that's the purpose of a LEARNERS permit

Can you drive with a learners permit unsupervised in nyc?

The restirctions under which you must operate should be printed right on the permit. Please read it.

How long a permit valid in California?

your learners permit is valid for 6 months and a year after that.

How old do you have to be to get your learner's permit in California?

According to California DMV you have to be at least 15 1/2 and under 18 to apply for learners permit. Source -

If you have a learners permit in California can you get a speeding ticket?

You can get a speeding ticket regardless of what license you have; that doesn't change the fact you were speeding.

What if your learners permit expired can you still get your actual drivers license?

In California I believe you can still get your driver's license after your permit expired, however you cannot drive without the permit until after you get your driver's license.

Can you take the learners permit test in Nebraska before you are 15?

Yes, you can take a learners permit when you are 14.

Can your son drive a rental car with a learners permit with you?

Yes But He Needs To Have A Learners Permit. Answerd By TG