You should wait and see for any negative effects; you must not take any antibiotics due to bacterial resistance buildup.
If you begin to feel the effects of Montezuma's Revenge (abdominal cramps, diarrhea, mild to increased fever), you should immediately look for medical assistance at the infirmary in the hotel you are staying. They would know what kind of medicaments to give you.
Only the tap water; bottled water is safe to drink.
The water found in the Gulf of Mexico is salt (not fresh) water. Drinking such water could lead to kidney failure. So definitively no, you can't drink that water.
No. Tap water drinking is a no-no in Mexico.
NoAnswerNo I would be cautious. No, but fortunately you can drink the beer!It's better to avoid drinking tap water in countries like mexico, india, etc. Stick to bottled water. ;]
take digestive enzymes, drink lots of water, take aloe vera juice
Tap water is not safe. You should only drink bottled water.
When surfing, a person can accidentally drink in lots of salt water. Salt water can upset the normal sodium-potassium ratio in the body. When sodium goes up, potassium goes down, which can lead to abnormal heart rhythms (arrhythmias). An arrhythmia can cause the heart to flutter, spasm, or cause the heart to stop. Drinking fresh water helps to dilute excess sodium accidentally taken in from salt water.
Spill can be a verb or a noun. Here are sentences illustrating both uses: Verb: Be careful not to spill your drink on my new carpet. Noun: There was a large oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010.
Maybe. Many water systems outside the United States is not very good. When in doubt drink bottled water overseas.
people in Mexico spread it to the usa.the way to stop is drink ALOT of WATER
If you accidentally drank another person's drink, you might annoy that person. You could also get germs like the flu virus from drinking from another person's cup. In general, nothing happens when you drink another person's drink.
The sickness is called "Montezuma's Revenge". In scientific terms, it's called "Amoebic Dysentery". It is contracted through the ingestion of tainted water through the old and dysfunctional water pipes in Mexico. The Amoebas get into your intestinal tract and begins eating away at everything and that's what gives you the runs. It can be fatal because of dehydration if not given antibiotics. Hope this helped...