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Q: What do you call someone who specializes in languages?
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What do you call someone who speaks to languages but not good?

You could call someone who speaks two languages but not well a "basic or intermediate speaker" in both languages.

What do you call someone that can speak 2 languages?

Someone who can speak two languages is called bilingual.

What do you call someone who speaks 5 languages?

A polyglot is someone who speaks multiple languages, often at least five or more.

What you call someone who speak five languages?

A person who speaks five languages is often referred to as a polyglot.

What do you call a person who can speak different languages?

A person who can speak different languages is called a polyglot.

What do you call a person that speaks 4 or 5 languages?

The common term for someone who speaks several languages is "multilingual."

What do you call someone who studies and specializes in diamonds?

A person who studies and specializes in diamonds is called a gemologist.

What do you call someone who specializes in space?

space is a bit of a broad speciality... Astronomer is the most broad I can think of, recommend me if that is right.

What do you call a person who is expert in many languages?

A person who is an expert in many languages is called a polyglot. This term is used to describe someone who has a high level of proficiency in multiple languages.

What do you call a physician who specializes in operating on people?

A physician who specializes in operating on people is a surgeon.

What do you call someone who can speak five languages?

The word to describe someone who can speak more that one language fluently is Bilingual.That isn't correct, Bilingual means that you speak TWO languages fluently. If you speak five you are PENTAlingual

What do you call a machine that specializes in counting?

A counter.