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British, Or if they are from Northern Ireland they may prefer Northern Irish, Irish or Ulsterman. If they are from Scotland they may prefer Scots. If they are from Wales they may prefer Welsh. If from England they may may prefer English.

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14y ago

A person born* in England is a British Citizen although they may describe themselves as English.

* Strictly speaking the rules on citizenship are more complex than described above and are detailed on the website in the related links section.

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12y ago

English or British, both are correct.

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What are people from England called?

A person born in England is English.Wales = WelshScotland = Scottish.Northern Ireland = it is more complicated.Most Protestants call themselves British.Most Catholics call themselves Irish.

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What do you call a person that comes from Britain?

You call them British. They might be preferred to be called Scottish if they come from Scotland, English is they are from England, Irish if they are from N. Ireland and Welsh if they are from Wales.

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England's Call - 1914 is rated/received certificates of: UK:U

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