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Q: What do they call candy in new zealand?
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What do the natives of new zealand call there land?

natives of new zealand are maoris....they call there land Aotearoa

When was Graham Candy born?

Graham Candy was born on April 1, 1991, in Auckland, New Zealand.

Which rugby playing country near to Australia call's their Christmas tree a pohutukawa?

New Zealand is the rugby playing country that is near Australia and refers to the Christmas tree as a Pohutukawa. Families in New Zealand place their gifts and candy around the Pohutukawa.

What is the best selling candy bar in New Zealand?

Tim Tams

What do you call a native in New Zealand?

Maori are the indigenous people of Aotearoa New Zealand.


New Zealanders

What does New Zealand call a luau?

A luau in New Zealand is considered a hui or meeting/assembly.

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Is the New Zealand shoveler native to New Zealand?

Yes the Australasian shoveler, kuruwhengu, New Zealand shoveler, Anas Rhynchotis (or whatever name you like to call it) is native to New Zealand as well as Australia.

Will a call from the US reflect as local number when calling new zealand?

No, a call from the US to New Zealand will show up as an international long-distance number.

How do you ring and Australia mobile in New Zealand from New zealand?

u just write the number into the phone and press call

How do you call mbile from aus to new zealand?

To call a New Zealand (NZ) number you need to dial the international call code in the format +64 then drop the 0. eg 022xxxx would be +6422xxx