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None today. They were just imaginary figures without followers.

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Q: What do the Greek gods play in human life?
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What significance did greek gods play in the Olympics?

The Olympics were created to worship the Greek gods.

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Most of the time they were animals with human qualities, but there are also fables where Greek Gods play an important part.

How did temples play a part in Greek life?

Temples were very important because the greeks had a very great influence to gods. They built great temples with decorations. They were very serious in matters of gods. They were a regular part in greek life. They were for religious use and they are equivalent to the church across the street.

How do Homer's Gods think and behave and what role do the Homeric Gods play in human affairs and what is the responsibility of humans with respect to those Gods?

In Homer's works, the Gods exhibit human-like emotions and behavior, intervening in human affairs to shape outcomes. They play a significant role in determining destiny and fate, often favoring or punishing individuals based on their actions. Human responsibility lies in honoring the Gods through rituals, sacrifices, and respecting their power, which can influence their fortunes in life.

What roll did religion play in Aztec life?

The Aztecs made human sacrifices from near by cities every day to their gods.

What role did the Greek gods of Mt. Olympus play in the Greeks daily life?

The Olympian Gods played a variety of roles in the daily lives of ancient Greeks. As each was responsible for a different sphere, and various activities in each, of human life, the Gods were often called upon to witness and also to bless daily activities. Promises were made and oaths uttered in the names of these Gods. Special sacrifices or offerings, along with prayers, were made directly to these Gods, whether at home or in temples or even by special human representatives of these Gods. As watchful overseers of human activity, the Gods were also felt as a daily, if often vague, moral presence, reminding humankind to do good, not ill, and to avoid what most ancient Greeks considered to be the ultimate vice: pride.

What role did the Greek gods of Mt. Olympus play in the Greeks' daily life?

The Olympian Gods played a variety of roles in the daily lives of ancient Greeks. As each was responsible for a different sphere, and various activities in each, of human life, the Gods were often called upon to witness and also to bless daily activities. Promises were made and oaths uttered in the names of these Gods. Special sacrifices or offerings, along with prayers, were made directly to these Gods, whether at home or in temples or even by special human representatives of these Gods. As watchful overseers of human activity, the Gods were also felt as a daily, if often vague, moral presence, reminding humankind to do good, not ill, and to avoid what most ancient Greeks considered to be the ultimate vice: pride.

What role did the Greek god of Mt . Olympus play in the Greeks' daily life?

The Olympian Gods played a variety of roles in the daily lives of ancient Greeks. As each was responsible for a different sphere, and various activities in each, of human life, the Gods were often called upon to witness and also to bless daily activities. Promises were made and oaths uttered in the names of these Gods. Special sacrifices or offerings, along with prayers, were made directly to these Gods, whether at home or in temples or even by special human representatives of these Gods. As watchful overseers of human activity, the Gods were also felt as a daily, if often vague, moral presence, reminding humankind to do good, not ill, and to avoid what most ancient Greeks considered to be the ultimate vice: pride.

In what ways did Greek gods and goddesess play an important part in the lives of the athenians?

Greek gods played an important role in the lives of Athenians by giving the people advice when they went to their temples.

What role did Zeus play in greek mythology?

Zeus was the god of all gods and goddesses

Do Greek gods play musical instruments?

Yes, absolutely. In fact, one of the Greek deities, Apollo, was considered the god of music, and was frequently depicted playing a musical instrument called a "lyre." The Greek mythological hero Orpheus was taught to play the lyre by Apollo, and was said to even be able to charm wild animals with his music.

What role did human sacrifice play in Aztec society?

Human sacrifice played a significant role in the Aztec culture. It was believed that life itself sprung from dead bodies, because their world was believed to be created by the sacrifice of the gods.