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Q: What do other cultures call Matariki such as Japanese?
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How do japan celebrate matariki?

yes they do they call matariki also called the seven sister subaru also the logo on the car

Are there any other countries that celebrate matariki?

yes. hawaii celebrates matariki. they call it mataliki

What did Greek people call matariki?

The Greek people called Matariki "Pleiades." It is a star cluster that appears in the night sky and holds cultural significance in various ancient civilizations, including Greek and Māori cultures.

What is the name for matariki in Greece?

Matariki in Greece is called the Pleiades.

What is the Matariki legend?

Matariki is a star cluster in the New Zealand night sky that marks the start of the Maori New Year. The legend of Matariki varies among Maori tribes, but it usually involves a mother and her daughters who are pursued by an abusive husband. They seek refuge in the sky, becoming the stars of Matariki. The appearance of Matariki is seen as a time for reflection, remembrance, and celebration in Maori culture.

What does cook island people call matariki?

shut up caden before i punch your head

What does china call matariki?

In China, Matariki is known as "sānjī zhiōu" (三祭孝), which means the "Three Chaste Ones" in English. This term refers to the three stars in the Orion's Belt constellation.

What do the Japanese call their contry?

Japanese call japan Nippon of Nihonn

The Japanese call their country?

Japanese call their country "Nihon" or "Nippon".

What do you call a principal of a Japanese Dojo?

The head of a Japanese Dojo is typically addressed as Sensei. He may have other titles, such as Hanshi, but the 'generic' would be Sensei.

Who discovered Matariki?

Māori people of New Zealand have been observing and celebrating the appearance of Matariki (Pleiades star cluster) for centuries. It is a traditional practice that has been passed down through generations. No single person can be credited with the discovery of Matariki as it has been known and observed by Māori ancestors for a long time.

What do you call a sleeveless torso garment?

It could be a sleeveless undershirt. It could also be a tank top. There may be other names for this garment in other cultures.