As children know, Santa will live forever.
Santa loves all children and will deliver his presents to everybody regardless of where they live.
Santa Claus is a toymaker who brings gifts to children each year. He lives at the North Pole.
She lived in Santa Maria, California, near her children.
Yes, Santa will visit any type of home in which the children believe. Also, as long as the children that live in said residence have been good all year.
If you don't have a chimney and a fireplace, Santa has a magical key that can unlock any door if the children that live there truly believe in him.
Frosty the Snowman is a fictional character from a popular Christmas song and does not live at the North Pole with Santa Claus. Frosty is commonly depicted as residing in a snowy village or wintery setting in most adaptations of the story.
No these are all stories only, mainly to excite little children.
Tom Holland lives in London (kingston)
The Mole Show Live in Holland was created on 1983-06-04.
they dont belive in santa. well at least they didnt. now the word is spreading about santa because more and more people there are puting up santa decarations outside their house.but how does anybody know! we dont live in spain. we live in the united states of america. or north america.