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some look spaniards, mulattos, black, celtics, eurasian, latino, jew, arab.

Morocco is extremly diverse.

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Rickie Glover

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What are moroccans like?

Moroccans are very hospitable and friendly people.

Are there any Moroccans in Egypt?

Yes, there are Moroccans in Egypt, and there are Egyptians in Morocco.

Why do Moroccans eat lentils?

Surprising as it may seem, Moroccans do not eat lintels, nor do they eat the doors whose frames the lintels support. Moroccans, like most humans, find wood and stone inedible and therefore do not try to consume them. If you meant "lentils" instead of "lintels", then the reason why Moroccans eat lentils is because of the protein value and relative inexpensiveness as compared with meat.

Which group of people invaded the songhai empire in the 1590's?

The Moroccans.

What army did the Moroccans defeat in 1591?

In 1591, Moroccans defeated the Songhai Empire.

How do moroccans live?

Moroccans live much the same way as other people in the third world.

What does Morocco value?

Moroccans value honesty, humility, and decency. Moroccans, by and large, are very hospitable and friendly people. Moroccans generally value interpersonal interaction over materialistic gains. However, Moroccans do not value contrarian thought or open disagreement with their views on politics.

Why do Turks hate Moroccans?

Turks do not hate Moroccans. If anything they feel a kinship with Moroccans as they have many similarities due to being Muslim nations on the edge of Europe with numerous emigrants in European countries.

Do Moroccans have cars?


How many Moroccans live in France?

As of 2012, approximately 9 million people in Morocco speak French. Most urban Moroccans usually have a decent understanding and command of French. It is rural Moroccans who may not speak it.

What was the cause for moroccan troops quickly defeated the songhai warriors?

Songhai people did not use guns like those near the coast, where the Portugese selled guns. Moroccans had guns, Songhai were armed with basic weapons. Moroccans had artillery also.