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Q: What do Mexican prefer for personal space?
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Is appropriate distance culturally determined?

Yes, appropriate distance is influenced by cultural norms and can vary between cultures. Some cultures may prefer closer proximity during interactions, while others may prefer more personal space. It is important to be aware of and respect the cultural norms regarding personal space in different cultural contexts.

Is a personal space a intangible boundary?

Yes, a personal space is an intangible boundary that individuals establish to define the physical and emotional distance they prefer from others. It is a concept that varies among cultures and individuals, influencing how comfortable someone feels in different social situations.

What are the 4 zones of personal space?

The four zones of personal space are intimate distance (0-18 inches), personal distance (1.5-4 feet), social distance (4-12 feet), and public distance (12 feet and beyond). These zones define the physical and emotional space individuals prefer to keep between themselves and others in different social settings.

Do Mexican men prefer white or Mexican women?

Im a Mexican and we prefer Mexican women because theyre the most hottest and most beautiful women on earth .They love us and we love them,im lucky being Mexican and theyre so sexy and attractive.MEXICAN PRIDE.VIVA MEXICO.

What factors determine personal space?

Factors that determine personal space include culture, individual preferences, relationship with the person, gender, and emotional state. Cultural norms play a significant role in defining appropriate distances between individuals, while individual preferences and comfort levels can vary. Personal space boundaries may also change based on the familiarity or intimacy shared with the person and the emotional context of the interaction. Additionally, gender can influence personal space preferences, with research suggesting that women tend to prefer larger personal space bubbles than men.

What race Mexican men prefer?

Mexican men are known for their preference on all kinds of women, indifferent to the color of their skin.

How do you use the word personal space in a sentence?

"I just used the word personal space in a sentence." Move over your in my personal space!!"

How are general and personal space related?

Personal space is self space while general space is the space that a group of people share in a place

Who is the first Mexican in space?

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration's space shuttle mission that launched from the Kennedy Space Center on August 28 includes two astronauts of Mexican descent. The astronauts are Juan Daniel Olivas and Jose Moreno Hernandez. This is the first time that two Mexicans are in space together. The "First Mexican in Space" was Rodolfo Neri Vela who flew aboard a NASA Space Shuttle mission in 1985.

How do you calculate personal space in a cafeteria?

Personal space in a cafeteria can be calculated by using an average person's arm length. Except for a booth the back of the booth divides personal space.

What would you prefer xylophone or phonograph?

This is your own personal choice

Could peoples shoot a Mexican into space on day?

No they could not.