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They both want peace. They all worship same God. They are all have the same morals in dealing with members of their community. They are all commanded to do for the benefit of their families, neighbors, relatives, communities, countries, humanity, and nature. They are all commanded to be kind, forgiving, and cooperative. Muslims, Jews, and Christians all believe in the same god. All at least partially derive their beliefs from the Old Testament of the Bible (Torah to Jews and Taurat to Muslims).

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Q: What do Jews living in palestine have in common?
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What where the consequences of the Jews Moving to Palestine After the Holocaust?

they had to move the people who were already living there out of their homes.

Exile of Jews from palestine?

The Exile of Jews from palestine is known as the Diaspora

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Because Palestine keeps attacking the Jews.

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No. Jews had already been migrating to Israel/Palestine in substantial numbers since 1919.

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There have always been Jews in Palestine. They were not the majority between the years 132 CE and 1949 CE.

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