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Th same in the rest of the world money

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Q: What do Brazil people hunt now these days?
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Trains from Mexico to Brazil?

Don´t exist now these days

What kind jobs are in Brazil?

Now these days IT Field ,Builds and Green Technology

How many people live in Brazil now?

197 millions

What effect did Cabrals voyage have in the language that is spoken in Brazil today?

Now this days we spoke Portuguese

How is the changing environment affecting the people of Brazil?

some of not now like this

What do people do for a living in Pennsylvania?

now, people, farm, hunt, and sell products in Pennsylvania

How many lebanese people are now in brazil?

i really think i asked it walla

Is snipe a slang for a drug?

I don't know if it is now (oh, the kids these days) but it used to be used with the word hunt, as SNIPE HUNT, which meant sending someone after a non-existent something.

How do people interact with?

the hunt the hydrilla down and now the population of hydrilla is close to extinction

How is Brazil governed and are the people allowed to vote for their leaders?

They used to be ruled by an empire but now a days they have a Representative Government & vote for presidents. They just got a new president & she's the 1st female ever in office.

Is the Black Stallion endangered?

No you can actually hunt them now No you can actually hunt them now

Where does people live now days?
