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Here are some differences. Please add to this list:

  • Jews in Israel speak fluent Hebrew. Jews outside of Israel use Hebrew in prayers, but generally do not know how to speak it.
  • Orthodox and Conservative Jews outside Israel observe some holidays for 1 extra day.
  • Secular Jew in Israel observe Jewish holidays and some customs. Many (but not all) secular Jews outside Israel observe nothing.
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Q: What distinguishes Jews in Israel from Jews of the diaspora?
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Related questions

How many more Jews are there in the Diaspora than Israel?

At present, there are 6 million Jews in Israel and 8 million Jews elsewhere.

What was it called when the Jews were exiled from Israel?

The diaspora; the Exile. See more on this linked page.

Who are the Jews of the diaspora?

All of the (approximately 7 million) Jews living outside Israel.

What is the name of Jews settling outside of Israel?

Diaspora communities; exiles; yordim (in recent usage). See also:More about the diaspora

Who lead the Diaspora in israel?

If the question is asking about the Jewish Diaspora, those Jews who are in Israel are not considered to be in the Diaspora.If the question is asking about a different diaspora, such as the Armenian Diaspora, the Circassian Diaspora, etc. the leaders of those ethnic group's religious institutions have become the leaders of those diasporas in Israel.

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The scattering of Jews around the world?

The scattering of Jews outside of Judah was called the diaspora. Please see related links.

What does diaspora mean?

Diaspora is a term used to describe Jews that live outside of Israel. They are still faithful to their religion but do not reside where the majority of them live. Noun: The Dispersion of the Jews beyond Israel, or of any people from their homeland.

What caused the Hebrew Diaspora?

The Romans expelled the Jews from Israel in 70 CE.

Why did the Jewish Diaspora begin?

The second Diaspora (70 CE to the present day) began when the Romans destroyed the 2nd Temple and expelled the Jews from Israel.

Do Jews come from mars?

No, Jews do not come from Mars. Jews are a religious and ethnic group with roots in ancient Israel and diaspora communities around the world, but their origins are not extraterrestrial.