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It was followed by German Reunification.

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Mohammed Parisian

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2y ago
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13y ago

The fall of the Berlin Wall led immediately to the freedom of movement of millions of East Germans followed a year later by the reunification of East and West Germany and the near-ruination of Europe's strongest economy.

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12y ago

It was followed by German Reunification.

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It didn't! The fall of the Berlin Wall was the result of a "bloodless revolution".

What actions lead to the Berlin wall being torn down?

it stunk really bad

Did Richard Nixon bring down the Berlin wall?

No. The wall came down in late 1989 while the first George Bush was president, but a lot of what lead to the breakdown of the wall was work done by Ronald Reagan.

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If you mean the US declaration, no, not directly. It was the independance of India that was the cusp.

How did things change in East Berlin after the fall of the Berlin Wall?

After the fall of the Berlin Wall, which separated communist East Germany from Democratically inclined West Germany, in 1989, the Soviet Union dissolved. It officially disintegrated in 1991. After this, Russia fell into an extreme economic depression. During the reign of the Soviet Union, 1 out of every 5 citizens were involved in the Soviet Military, so the U.S.S.R.'s collapse lead to widespread unemployment.

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How did the situation in Europe immediately following the fall of Germany lead directly to the Cold War?

Well you see, its quite sipmle google it man

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Joseph StalinWinston ChurchillFranklin Roosevelt

Was east Berlin capitalist?

No, it was partially lead under the communists in Sovjet Russia. West Berlin was a capitalistiv city though.

The old testament leader who made the wall of jerocho fall down?

Joshua was the leader that God instructed to lead the remains of the hebrews of the second generation that were in the exile of Egypt

How did the Berlin conference lead to the situation shown in this?

What the heck cartoon is you talking about?!

How did President Truman's handling of the blockade lead to greater Cold War tensions?

President Trumanâ??s handling of the blockade lead to greater Cold War tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union. Truman supported an air campaign to supply West Berlin while the Soviets were holding a blockade against Berlin by preventing supplies entering by rail or by truck. The air campaign reasserted the United States and the other Alliesâ?? resolve to not let all of Berlin fall into the hands of the communist Soviets.