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Q: What did the experiences of Roger Williams and Anne Hutchinsn reflect about new England?
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What kind of heritage does new England reflect?

i dont like new england

Is the verb reflect singular or plural?

The verb "reflect" can be both singular and plural, depending on the subject. In the singular form, it would be "reflects" (e.g., he reflects on his actions), and in the plural form, it would be "reflect" (e.g., they reflect on their experiences).

What happens while children have dreams?

Like all dreams, children's dreams reflect their emotions, experiences and memories.

How did the Articles of Confederation reflect Americas political experiences of the previous twenty years?

It didn't reflect the Declaration. The Declaration was a letter to the king telling him why the colonies were seeking independence, but not meant to be a foundation for government.

Does the tale of Oliver Twist reflect the true social conditions of England in the Victorian period?

Unfortunately, yes! And England was one of the most advanced societies of the time!

What do you use to keep a daily record of personal experiences?

A journal or diary is commonly used to keep a daily record of personal experiences. This can be done in a physical notebook or through digital tools like apps or online platforms. It's a great way to reflect on your thoughts and experiences over time.

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Where did surname Nelson come from?

England's northwestern Lancashire records reflect many in the Hundred Rolls of 1273 A.D.

What are the parts of biodata?

There are two baic parts of biodata: factual, which includes your life and work experiences, and opinions, values, beliefs, and attitudes that reflect a historical perspectuve.

What is reflective teaching?

reflective teaching is anchored on the ability ot the teacher to guide students to reflect on their own experiences in order to arrive at new understandings and meanings.

Is Robert Frost an afro American poet?

No, Robert Frost was not an African American poet. He was a white American poet who is known for his works that reflect rural life in New England and themes of nature, isolation, and human experiences.

Where did Geoffrey Chaucer get his ideas for his poems for?

Geoffrey Chaucer drew inspiration for his poems from a variety of sources, including classical literature, French poetry, Italian poetry, and his own experiences. He was also influenced by the cultural and social climate of England during the 14th century. Chaucer's works often reflect a blend of different traditions and genres.