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Q: What did the domesday book help stablished in England?
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How did the Domesday Book help kings rule their kingdom?

The Domesday book was commissioned by William the Conqueror and completed in 1086. It was a survey of landholdings and other assets such as livestock in England. The purpose was to collect taxes Sources

How did the doomsday book help William keep control of England?

The Domesday book helped William to control England by showing him what the Saxons would retaliate to and not. He got to know his country better.

How did the domesday book help William?

The Domesday Book is the record of a great survey commissioned by King William I in 1089, detailing ownership of land and farms in most of England for the purpose of levying taxes. It was written in Latin and one of its provisions was that once recorded, there would be no appeal. Thus it came to be known by the English speaking populace as The Domesday Book, on comparison with the Christian notion of the Day of Last Judgement against which there would also be no appeal.

What did the domes day book include?

The Domesday Book was a survey of England and parts of Wales completed in 1086 by order of William the Conqueror. It recorded the landholdings, resources, and taxable values of the kingdom at that time. The book was used to help establish taxation and clarify land ownership.

What did the dooms day book contain?

The Domesday Book was a detailed survey of England completed in 1086 under the orders of William the Conqueror. It listed all the landholdings, property owners, and resources in the country to help in determining taxes and ownership rights. The book is an invaluable resource for historians studying medieval England.

How did the domesday book help the king keep control?

The Domesday Book helped keep track of people in England during the Middle Ages. It also helped the ruler set up tax system. Before the Domesday Book was put together in 1086, no one really knew how many people lived in England. Good luck(:

Why did William the first write the Domesday book?

To run a country you need to know how much tax you can get from the land owners and farmers. That is what the Domesday Book is for, it is a record of who owns each parcel of land, how much is being farmed and what it is worth. It also gives the name of the former owner and how much it was worth before the invasion in 1066 for comparison.

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France, Russia, and England threated Spain's claim.

What are facts about the Domesday book?

It was made during 1685 and 1686. It has 913 pages in it and two million Latin words and it included 13418 settlements it did not include London,Bristol,parts of Wales,Northumberlandand County Durham it survived for 900 years and we still have it today it is thought to be the firt ever tax record It was made by William the conqueror to help sustain his hold on England It was a record of how much land, crops and animals everyone had Thanks, big help!:)

Why did the Domesday book help William control the Saxons?

William, Duke of Normandy was crowned King of England on Christmas Day 1066. William took all the land and important jobs in the Government and Church away from the Saxons and divided it up amongst his Norman friends. He built castles to make the English feel so scared that they would not dare even to think about causing trouble. By 1085, William had a shortage of money and also many Normans had begun to disagree amongst themselves over the land they had been given as a reward for helping conquer England. William wanted to settle these disputes once and for all. Thus William decided to order a survey. The survey would list all the land in England. It would list who was looking after each area, what lands they had, and which other people lived there. Importantly, the survey would find out how much tax-money William could get from this land. Official government inspectors were sent around the country to gather information. The people in England spoke Saxon English and the Norman inspectors spoke French and Latin. A jury, which included the local important men such as the village priest and reeve who could understand the different languages, had to decide whether their neighbours were telling the truth. The results of this survey were written into Domesday Book.

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yes,whenever and wherever

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