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Through the river in Berlin - swimming. Tunneling under the wall.

Buildings formed part of the wall and some people tried to jump from windows to the western side.

Driving through barriers, risking being shot.

Forged papers. I'm sure there are many other methods, these were the ones that came to mind as I recalled those dreadful years.

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14y ago
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14y ago

There were various methods people attempted to use to escape. In the early stages, people attempted to climb accessible parts of the wall, or to jump out of buildings overlooking the wall. Tunnels were dug or people were smuggled through in vehicles, in hidden compartments. Some tried getting out via the river or even sewer system. Documents were forged to allow people to pass through the borders unchallenged. All of these methods became increasingly harder to implement successfully as time went by. Some people attempted to pass through other sections of the border walls in the countryside outside of Berlin itself, where guards were perhaps slightly less vigilant.

Others also made homemade hot air balloons and airplanes, used zip tracks and cables from high buildings, or even destroyed the wall using a panther (tank) to escape. An East German engine driver hijacked an eight-coach train to take his friends and relatives through, whilst another enterprising man escaped by having himself pinned between two surfboards clamped on a roof rack of a friend's car. One man managed to evade the patrols on the Baltic Sea, and swam his way out, after smearing himself with layers of fat and a frogman's suit for insulation against the icy waters.

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14y ago

Some people crawled through sewage pipes and others drove through the wall. Also, many people smuggled through in vehicles. Many people would also jump out of building overlooking the wall. By Christie Gray xxxxxx

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12y ago

Some people jumped out of windows on the top floors of buildings right next to the wall. These people were caught by others on the other side of the wall. This worked untill the German police used bricks to close of windows facing the wall.

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13y ago

The way people escaped is when it was being put up the people went over it for fredom

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9y ago

How was the Berlin Wall and symbol of Cold War? What did challenges did President Kennedy face in negotiations about the divisions in Berlin?

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14y ago

Underground- digging init

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Q: What did the German people do to escape to the other side of the Berlin Wall?
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German is the main language of Berlin, but it is a multi-cultural city, so many immigrant languages can be heard there.

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Why did people want to escape over or under the Berlin wall?

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