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In general, most people still drive. However, especially in the parts of the city close to the Lakefront, a large percentage walk, bike or take public transportation. We have subway system that is elevated in parts, and a large bus system as well. There is also the second-largest commuter rail system in the U.S. (after New York) serving mostly downtown during rush hour, but with some service every day of the week.

While most Chicagoans do have a car, close to 30% of households in the City of Chicago proper live car-free - about half of those by choice and not because of economic necessity.

For places outside of Chicago, we have two international airport, Amtrak train service and several different private interstate bus companies serving Chicago.

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ride buses ..

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Q: What did people do for transportation in Chicago?
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Is public transportation available in Chicago Illinois?

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None. Chicago did not exist in 1500.

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Why did Chicago become such a big city?

In 1833, the town of Chicago had about 150 people. It soon became very large because of its location where the Chicago river meets at a Great Lake, Lake Michigan. That made it easy to get to Chicago by boat. Chicago was also a perfect location to be a railroad hub because of the flat land, and many people used the railroads there. People came from all around because of Chicago's transportation. Chicago began to grow as a city and more and more people came. Soon Chicago had canals, trains, and cars and there were many ways to travel. Chicago became famous for its transportation which helped it become one of the largest cities in America.

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No. Chicago, Illinois did not exist in the 1500s and 1600s.

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You can take a medical transportation program at a local community college.

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It is the same distance reguardless of the mode of transportation

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The population of Chicago in 1838 was around 4,170 people. This marked a significant increase from the population of just 350 in 1833. The city experienced rapid growth due to its strategic location for trade and transportation.

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Depends what mode of transportation you use.

What was a problem with the transportation system?

In many ways in the US there is a transportation problem with regards to train travel for personal transportation. Americans are now quite accustomed to the automobile for transportation. For commuting to work purposes, local trains and buses can get people to their jobs, however, airplane flights are extremely common for longer trips. What is lacking in the US is a reliable , ultramodern speed driven by electricity type of train that can be used for trips of a great distance. From NY to Chicago, most people fly there the train of today is not adequate. A super fast electric train. would be perfect to NY to Chicago travel as one example.

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Nothing. Chicago, Illinois did not exist in the 1500s & 1600s.

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