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Q: What did north want during the Missouri compromise?
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Did Missouri want to enter the union as a free state?

No. The Missouri Compromise allowed Missouri to enter the Union as a slave-state, on condition that there would be no more slave-states North of the parallel that marked Missouri's Southern border.

Was Lincoln against The Missouri Compromise?

Lincoln was only 11 years old when then Missouri Compromise was made. I doubt that he had any strong feelings about it. He did not regularly go the school-- he may not even have heard about it at the time.

What problem did the Missouri Compromise solve?

Wht two things did the missiori compromise solve

Who want to extend The Missouri Compromise line all the way to the pacific?

Secretary of State James Buchanan

Describe the disagreement between the north and south that resulted in the Missouri compromise?

The disagreement that resulted in the Missouri compromise was that Missouri, part of the Louisiana Purchase, should be a slave state according to the South. The North thought that it should be free of slaves, so eventually, Henry Clay made it so that Missouri was a slave state, and Maine was a free state. That made it so that slavery was banned in the remainder of the Louisiana Territory north of the 36*30 parallel.

What senator thomas and representative clay were trying to get congress and Missouri to do?

the best answer i got is that they want to go get the virginia

What is the Difference between Missouri compromise and compromise of 1850?

The Compromise of 1820 (the Missouri Compromise) and the Compromise of 1850 were created as solutions to land crises about slavery in newly acquired territory.The Missouri Compromise attempted to ease tensions between the North and South over the balance of power. The South was afraid of the North's growing representation in the house due to their rapidly expanding population. The North did not want the another slave-state incorporated in the Union. The compromise resulted in the establishment of the 36030' line that prohibited slavery in all territories south of the boundary.The Compromise of 1850 introduced the idea of popular sovereignty, the ability of individual states to decide the legality of slavery for themselves. In order to appease the South, the compromise included a fugitive slave act that allowed slaveowners to recapture their slaves, whether in a free state or not.The Fugitive Slave Act led to Supreme Court case Dred Scott v. Sandford. Dred Scott was a slave that sued for his freedom. He lost due to a four-part decision by Chief Justice Taney: Dred Scott was not a citizen of the United States, he could not sue for his freedom because he was not a legal citizen, Congress had no power to prohibit slavery, and that the Missouri Compromise was therefore unconstitutional.

What was part of territorial expansion was an issue and why?

During the 19th century, the main issue of territorial expansion was slavery. Northerners didn't want slavery to extend into the western regions, while the south did. It was basically the issue of Missouri (Missouri Compromise) all over again, but with soooooo much more territory to deal with. This growing sectionalism between the north and the south would later tear the nation apart, in what is known as the Civil War.

What did the south stand to lose as a result of the Missouri compromise?

The liked it because there was a balance of free and slave states and representation in congress.

Why did Southerners fight to bring slavery to Missouri?

They did not agree to the Missouri Compromise. They were just out voted by the north. ------------- The South allowed so much territory to be free states because they did not believe that there would be any more state made out of that territory because they thought of it as not settleable... so not many people would want to go there. Because there was a population requirement to request statehood, they thought that there would not be any more free states carved out of the "free" territory. (I know... a bit repetitious...) Hope this helps.

What was the nickname given to democrats in the north who called for peace and compromise in the south?

Copperheads were Northerners who did not want to go to Civil War. Rather, they wanted peace and to try and find a compromise with the South.

Why wasn't independent Texas annexed to the US until 1845?

Because the US didn't want to upset the balance between the number of slave and free states (the Missouri Compromise).