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He took limes and fruit and veg.

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All foodstuffs that came to Antarctica with Captain Scott were either dried or tinned. A wide variety of food was taken, including pemmican -- 50/50 ground meat and lard, biscuits, tea, spirits, sugar and so forth.

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8y ago
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9y ago

All food was tinned; no fresh food was available. Some foods were prepared by mixing the tinned preparation with melted ice.

The most nourishing and useful food was pemmican, a mix of 50/50 lard and meat. This gave the explorers the protein and calories required to work in this extreme environment.

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8y ago

All food consumed by Captain Scott and his team was imported with their expedition. Their main source of calories was pemmican, a mix of 50% lard and 50% ground meat. Other tinned foods were also available.

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12y ago

he ate ration packs and dog liver becaus he and his teams ship sank after hiting and ice burg so they ate dog liver because they ran out of food


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8y ago

Provisions taken to Antarctica included pemmican -- 50/50 ground meat and lard, biscuits, spirits, sugar, tea, and tinned foodstuffs.

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10y ago

Robert Falcon Scott's expedition consumed various foods, and most notoriously pemmican, which is about half meat and half lard.

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11y ago

i dont know at all

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