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The most imperialistic country in the world is Great Britain (They have colonies in XXI century, the king (now the queen) is the head of UK, Canada and Australia. Russia never had any colonies!

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Q: What did Russia have do with imperialism?
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Russia's age of imperialism included sea ports in the .?

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Russia's age of imperialism included sea ports in?

Black Sea Pacific Ocean

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Who was involved imperialism?

England, France, Belgium, Spain, Portugal, Russia, Turkey, and to a lesser extent, Germany and Italy :)

Who was an imperialism?

England, France, Belgium, Spain, Portugal, Russia, Turkey, and to a lesser extent, Germany and Italy :)

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That book was written by Vladimir Lenin, who split Russia into several states, forming the Soviet Union.

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England France Germany Russia Japan

Who benefittd from imperialism in Africa?

All the imperialist countries who gained resources and new territories. Though countries may do it for the betterment of the sphere of influence. E.G. the U.S.A. invaded Georgia (near Russia) to prevent Russia from mobilizing troops and invade.

What is anti imperialism?

Anti-Imperialism is any belief or practice which opposes imperialism.