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Everything! Including columns.

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Q: What did Romans copy from Greeks architecture?
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What did the Romans copy off of the Greeks?

The Romans have copied the Greeks Architecture, medicine ( kind of in a way) and artwork. You might think about the calendar. I'm not sure about that :I

What people did Romans copy?


How was Roman art different from Greek are?

The Romans greatly admired the art and architecture of Greece, as well as many of their ideas. Roman art is not really the same as Greek art, but the Romans did copy the Greeks. One notable copy is the column. The Greeks used solid marble 'drums' to build their columns, the Romans built theirs with brick, faced with cement to resemble the Greek columns. .Roman art is more naturalistic and less stylized then Greek art. Greeks were most interested in idealism Romans were more interested in realism.

How was roman art different from Greek art .?

The Romans greatly admired the art and architecture of Greece, as well as many of their ideas. Roman art is not really the same as Greek art, but the Romans did copy the Greeks. One notable copy is the column. The Greeks used solid marble 'drums' to build their columns, the Romans built theirs with brick, faced with cement to resemble the Greek columns. .Roman art is more naturalistic and less stylized then Greek art. Greeks were most interested in idealism Romans were more interested in realism.

How was art different from Greek art?

The Romans greatly admired the art and architecture of Greece, as well as many of their ideas. Roman art is not really the same as Greek art, but the Romans did copy the Greeks. One notable copy is the column. The Greeks used solid marble 'drums' to build their columns, the Romans built theirs with brick, faced with cement to resemble the Greek columns. .Roman art is more naturalistic and less stylized then Greek art. Greeks were most interested in idealism Romans were more interested in realism.

How did Romans copy Greek philosophy?

the Greeks created columns and coloseums which the Romans used. the Romans used coloseums to entertain the citizens(slaves couldn't participate)

What advances did the Greeks and Romans make that were passed on to other civilizations?

Architecture, politics, calendar,food,art

Who did the Romans copy when they created different types of architecture?

They copied the Etruscans who lived mostly north of Rome. The origins of their civilization are unknown. The Romans adapted the alphabet architecture engineering and believed in some of their gods.

What are 3 things the Romans copied off the Greeks?

The Romans did not really "copy" anything from anybody. They rather "incorporated" ideas from some other cultures. In the case of the Greeks, they studied the Athenian form of government (democracy) then adapted it to Roman needs. They also gave in to world custom and used the Greek language for diplomatic use. In their architecture they used the Greek columns as well as the their own.

What influenece did the Greeks have on the Romans?

The ancient Greek culture became part of Roman culture. Romans admired the philosophy, poetry, and the prose of the ancient Greeks. The architecture in Athens for example had an influence on Roman architecture. Greek tutors even as slaves were teachers of the aristocratic Romans. The early Roman army used the Greek phalanx for a time. Most upper class Romans could speak Greek as well as Latin.

How did the Greeks infleunce Rome?

maybe the greek show the romans some of their cultures and the romans started to copy them don't know for sure but it could be possible

What is a sentence using cultural as an adjective?

There are cultural tours of art and architecture in the city. The cultural differences between the Greeks and Romans are numerous.