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Odysseus was a hero in Homer's poem The Odyssey. He is known for his cunning intelligence, his ranking in the Trojan War, and providing peace to Ithaca.

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Q: What did Odysseus accomplish?
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What was goal of Odysseus quest?

Odysseus didn't exactly go on a quest. In the Iliad he went to war which I don't really think qualifies as a quest. In The Odyssey he was merely trying to get back home after the war. He wasn't looking to accomplish anything other than returning which doesn't qualify as a quest either.

Who does Odysseus see in the land of dead?

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What is the possessive of Odysseus Odysseus' or Odysseus's?

Both "Odysseus'" and "Odysseus's" are correct ways to show possession. "Odysseus'" is more commonly used in formal writing, while "Odysseus's" is more common in casual writing.

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