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General Franco, of the nationalists.

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Q: What dictator did Mussolini back in the Spanish Civil War?
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How did postwar disillusionment contribute to Mussolini's rise?

Italian nationalists were outraged when Italy received just some of the territories by the Allies. Chaos rose, taxes increased, unemployment climber and the government could not stop the crisis. This made it a perfect time for Mussolini to rise and take over.

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Beach Head II The Dictator Strikes Back - 1985 VG was released on: USA: 1985

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A siesta is a midday or afternoon nap. Siestas are common in Spain and Latin America and they originate back to the Spanish Civil War.

What were Benito Mussolini's visions for Italy?

To bring back the roman empire with Italy in control

Francisco Franco led a fascist revolution in which nation?

He was from Spain. He had been a general and well-respected within the military. He was aided by the Germans and Italians during the Spanish Civil War in 1936. The German Luftwaffe greatly benefiitted from this experience since it gave its pilots combat experience and tested the new fighters and bombers. The Soviet Union sided with the Spanish Republic and provided military assistance. One interesting note about Franco was his relationship with Adolf Hitler. Hitler travelled to Southern France in 1941 to meet the Spanish dictator. He wanted Spain to enter the war against the Western Allies. Spain refused and on the way back to Germany, Hitler confided to Goering and others, that Franco was the hardest person he had ever negotiated with and decided never to see him again, which he never did. Franco, did contribute a brigade to the eastern front in 1942. Most were killed within the first 6 months of combat against the Russians.

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Who knows? North Korea is ruled by a communist dictator, who just got back from China, trying to get his son set up to be the next dictator.

When did Joseph Stalin give up being a dictator?

Stalin never gave up being a dictator. He died while still in power on March 5, 1953.

Who did the US back as the dictator of Cuba?

The US supported Fulgencio Batista not because he was a dictator but because he was more favorable to US concerns than the Communists who eventually took over.

How did Benito Mussolini communicate to the people vision for the nation?

he brought back the homeless like deshunte the j

Who or what was Roosevelt referring to when he said the hand that held the dagger has struck it into France's back?

he was talking about Mussolini and Hitler

What did Julius Caesar do to become notable?

Julius Caesar was a politician and was elected to the consulship. That was notable in itself. He also took command of an army and conquered the territory known as Gaul. He became notable by his commentaries on the wars in Gaul which were read by the people back home. When the senate tried to make him give up his army and prosecute him for misdeeds, he started a civil war which he won and became a dictator for life, among other honors. Being a perpetual dictator was a distinctive honor that made him notable, at least for as long as it lasted.Julius Caesar was a politician and was elected to the consulship. That was notable in itself. He also took command of an army and conquered the territory known as Gaul. He became notable by his commentaries on the wars in Gaul which were read by the people back home. When the senate tried to make him give up his army and prosecute him for misdeeds, he started a civil war which he won and became a dictator for life, among other honors. Being a perpetual dictator was a distinctive honor that made him notable, at least for as long as it lasted.Julius Caesar was a politician and was elected to the consulship. That was notable in itself. He also took command of an army and conquered the territory known as Gaul. He became notable by his commentaries on the wars in Gaul which were read by the people back home. When the senate tried to make him give up his army and prosecute him for misdeeds, he started a civil war which he won and became a dictator for life, among other honors. Being a perpetual dictator was a distinctive honor that made him notable, at least for as long as it lasted.Julius Caesar was a politician and was elected to the consulship. That was notable in itself. He also took command of an army and conquered the territory known as Gaul. He became notable by his commentaries on the wars in Gaul which were read by the people back home. When the senate tried to make him give up his army and prosecute him for misdeeds, he started a civil war which he won and became a dictator for life, among other honors. Being a perpetual dictator was a distinctive honor that made him notable, at least for as long as it lasted.Julius Caesar was a politician and was elected to the consulship. That was notable in itself. He also took command of an army and conquered the territory known as Gaul. He became notable by his commentaries on the wars in Gaul which were read by the people back home. When the senate tried to make him give up his army and prosecute him for misdeeds, he started a civil war which he won and became a dictator for life, among other honors. Being a perpetual dictator was a distinctive honor that made him notable, at least for as long as it lasted.Julius Caesar was a politician and was elected to the consulship. That was notable in itself. He also took command of an army and conquered the territory known as Gaul. He became notable by his commentaries on the wars in Gaul which were read by the people back home. When the senate tried to make him give up his army and prosecute him for misdeeds, he started a civil war which he won and became a dictator for life, among other honors. Being a perpetual dictator was a distinctive honor that made him notable, at least for as long as it lasted.Julius Caesar was a politician and was elected to the consulship. That was notable in itself. He also took command of an army and conquered the territory known as Gaul. He became notable by his commentaries on the wars in Gaul which were read by the people back home. When the senate tried to make him give up his army and prosecute him for misdeeds, he started a civil war which he won and became a dictator for life, among other honors. Being a perpetual dictator was a distinctive honor that made him notable, at least for as long as it lasted.Julius Caesar was a politician and was elected to the consulship. That was notable in itself. He also took command of an army and conquered the territory known as Gaul. He became notable by his commentaries on the wars in Gaul which were read by the people back home. When the senate tried to make him give up his army and prosecute him for misdeeds, he started a civil war which he won and became a dictator for life, among other honors. Being a perpetual dictator was a distinctive honor that made him notable, at least for as long as it lasted.Julius Caesar was a politician and was elected to the consulship. That was notable in itself. He also took command of an army and conquered the territory known as Gaul. He became notable by his commentaries on the wars in Gaul which were read by the people back home. When the senate tried to make him give up his army and prosecute him for misdeeds, he started a civil war which he won and became a dictator for life, among other honors. Being a perpetual dictator was a distinctive honor that made him notable, at least for as long as it lasted.

What did Benito Mussolini conquered?

Mussolini conquered Ethiopia and Albania. Due to lack of preparation in the Italian Army, he failed to conquer Greece. After this failure, he experienced a series of losses in North Africa. Best Wishes,