The Negev Desert. There used to also be the Sinai (which is further south), but now that's part of Egypt.
Israel has two deserts - the Negev Desert and the Yehuda Desert also known as the Judean Desert.
The Negev, and the Judean Desert (or Wilderness).
The only deserts between Egypt and Israel are the Sinai and the Negev.
Sinai desert. Negev desert. Judean desert.
I think the only one is the Negev Desert...
The Negev Desert covers most of southern Israel, and the Judean Desert is in the vicinity of Jerusalem.
The Negev Desert, which is an extension of the Sinai and Arabian deserts.
For a list of the major deserts in then world and the countries in which they occur, click on this link.
David Ben-Gurion's dream was to Make Israel's Deserts Bloom
Israel is adjacent to Africa but not part of it. Israel is European in some ways and is not far from Europe but is not part of it. Israel is at the far (western) edge of Asia and is unlike many Asian countries. Israel is a coastal country. Israel is at the far edge of the Syrian and Sinai Deserts and parts of it share some of their characteristics.
Summers are fairly hot. In coastal areas, it gets into the 90's (fahrenheit) and in the deserts, it can get hotter than 110.