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There are no true deserts on Cyprus.

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Q: What deserts are in Cyprus?
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Does Cyprus have any mountains deserts or rainforests?

No. Cyprus is almost exclusively Mediterranean shrubland and hills. It has no mountains, deserts, or rainforests.

What are the names of the deserts in Greece?

There are no actual deserts in Cyprus as there are in the Middle East- the nearest you get to such a thing are large areas of rough white stony ground dotted with scrubby bushes, stunted olive and fir trees, and thickets of brambles. However, none of these are large enough to have names of their own- they are usually bordered by farmland or by housing development, Cyprus being a small country and needing to make maximum use of it's land area.

What is the name of the most eastern island in the Mediterranean Sea?

Cyprus in the easternmost island

What did the Romans call Cyprus?

The Latin for Cyprus is Cyprus.

Who controls the island of Cyprus?

Cyprus is a sovereign, independent country. no one controls cyprus.

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No, Cyprus is an island in the mediterranean sea near Egypt. Cyprus is different country. from girl from Cyprus!! ;P

Which ocean is Cyprus in?

The island Cyprus is in the Mediterranean Sea. Cyprus is in the Mediterranean sea

What small island is off the coast of Syria in the Mediteranean Sea?

It is called Cyprus not pie Cyprus not pippipipipi0p CYPRUS!!!!!

What are the landforms in Cyprus?

The Cyprus Plateau.

What is the capirtal city of Cyprus?

Nicosia is a city; cities do not have capitals. However, Nicosia is the capital of Cyprus.

Is there a casino in Cyprus?

Yes, there are casinos in Cyprus.

Where could one find property for sale in Cyprus?

There are various websites where an individual can find property for sale in Cyprus. Examples would include Cyprus Prop, Cyprus Best Properties, and Online Cyprus.