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Q: What decisions did the citizens of Athens make when they met as the assembly?
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What kind of government allows citizens to make political decisions in Greece?

Direct Democracy, as practiced in Ancient Athens, allowed citizens to make political decisions.

What was the structure of government in the Athens' democracy?

The Assembly met fortnightly to make decisions which were carried out by the Council of 500.

What is the Greek assembly?

group of people that get together to make decisions.

What was the assembly in Athens?

I really don't know but this website can't answer every one of my question

What indicates that the government of Athens was truly democratic?

The fortnightly meeting of the citizens to make important decisions and laws, which decisions were implemented by the Council of 500 between meetings.

How does our form of democracy differ from the kind do practiced in Athens?

They developed a radical democracy where all citizens met in assembly fortnightly to direct the council on actions to be taken. This is practicable only in a small state where citizens can cover the distance to vote in person. With our large states today this is impracticable, so we have representative democracy where elected representatives meet in a parliament to carry out the wishes of the people.

Ancient Athenian citizens made decisions directly in the assembly This is in contrast to representatives democracy which is?

Representative democracy involves citizens electing officials to make decisions on their behalf, while direct democracy, as practiced in Ancient Athens, involved citizens gathering to make decisions collectively. In a representative democracy, elected officials represent the interests of the people and make decisions on their behalf rather than having every citizen directly participate in decision-making.

What was a feature of Athenian democracy during the 5th century B.C.?

It was a direct democracy, that is the decisions were made by the assembly of the adult male citizens, who met fortnightly and dealt with problems and submissions by the Council, which then implemented them.

How was Greek democracy different than our democracy?

It was direct democracy - the citizens in assembly made the decisions. Ours is representative democracy - elected parliamentarians make decisions in parliament, not necessarily the ones we want.

What are the similarities between Australian Democracy and Ancient Athens Democracy?

They are different - at its peak, Athens was governed by fortnightly assemblies of the citizens, and the council implemented its decisions. In Australia, as in other modern democracies, citizens elect members to parliament, and the parliamentarians make the dcisions, not necessarily in accordance with the wishes of the citizens who elected them for a set term.

What is an assembly or group of citizens that helps make laws?

An assembly, or group of citizens that helps make laws is called a diputacion

What is the purpose the council and assembly in ancient Greece?

The council, also known as the Boule, was responsible for proposing and preparing legislation for the assembly. It consisted of a group of citizens chosen by lot to serve for a specific period of time. The assembly, on the other hand, was a gathering of all eligible citizens where laws were debated, voted on, and decisions were made regarding various matters including warfare, public policy, and judicial matters. The purpose of these institutions was to ensure that political power was shared among the citizens and that decisions were made collectively.