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June is named after Juno, the Roman goddess of marriage and women. Hera is the Greek equivalent of Juno.

January is named after the Roman god Janus, the two-faced god of doors and new beginnings.

(Fun Fact: July is named after Julius Caesar, not a god, after he changed the calendar system in ancient Rome to reflect day light savings time.)

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10y ago
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15y ago

All of them.

Sunday -- Sun's day

Monday -- Moon's day

Tuesday -- Tiu's day

Wednesday -- Woden's day

Thursday -- Thor's day

Friday -- Freya's day

Saturday -- Saturn's day

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13y ago

January- Janus, the double faced god of ends and beginnings, doors etc.

February- Februalia, a time period when sacrifices were made

March- Mars, the God of War

April- aperire "to open", when the flower buds started to bloom.

May- Maia, goddess of plants

June- Juno, the mother goddess. Queen of the gods

July- Julius Caesar

August- Augustus Caesar

September- Septem the seventh month (YES I know it's the 9th)

October- Octo the eighth month (Again... I know)

November- Novem the ninth

December- Decem the tenth.

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13y ago

January is named after Janus (Roman) god of the doorway.

February is not named after a god, but a term relating to purification.

March named after Mars (Roman) god of war and agriculture.

April may be named after Venus: whose name was Aphrodite in Greek and as originally her month Aphrilis.

May is named for the Greek Titan goddess Maia.

June is for Juno the Roman goddess protector and special counselor of the state.

July is named in honor of Julius Caesar.

August is named in honor of Augustus.

September means "Seven" in Latin.

October means "Eight" in Latin.

November means "Nine" in Latin.

December means "Ten" in Latin.

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13y ago

January is named after Janus, the God of doors and gates.

March is named after Mars, the God of war. (Ares in Greek.)

May is named after Maia, the Goddess of the growth of plants.

June is named after Junios, which is after Latin for the Goddess Juno.

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13y ago

June is named for Juno, wife of Jupiter and queen of the Olympian gods.

However, it is also possible that June is named for the Latin word iuniores (you-nee-OR-ays... think "juniors") meaning young ones, as May, the preceding month is named for maiores(mah-YOR-ays... think "majors") or elder ones.

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14y ago

January, February, March, April, June.

May is probably from a Greek goddess.

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14y ago

The month of June is named after the Roman queen of the gods, Juno. The Greek equivalent of Juno was Hera.

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13y ago

no they are not. have you ever heard of a greek god by the name of February? once you have answered that then you have your answer.

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