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The ancient Egyptian god Set is not given a official birth date in Egyptian religion.

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Q: What day was set born?
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yes, Christmas is a holiday set a side to celebrate Christ's birth. but is not the exact day he was born, he was probobly born in the summer.

How would you parse the day of the year in a batch file?

I finally took the time to do this myself: @echo off cls color f0 :Date cls SET Today=%Date: =0% SET Year=%Today:~-4% SET Month=%Today:~-10,2% SET Day=%Today:~-7,2% :LEAPYEARPARSE cls SET Leap=0 FOR %%A IN (1980 1984 1988 1992 1996 2000 2004 2008 2012 2016) DO IF %Year%==%%A SET Leap=1 FOR %%A IN (2020 2024 2028 2032 2036 2040 2044 2048 2052 2056) DO IF %Year%==%%A SET Leap=1 FOR %%A IN (2060 2064 2068 2072 2076 2080 2084 2088 2092 2096) DO IF %Year%==%%A SET Leap=1 FOR %%A IN (2104 2108 2112 2116 2120 2124 2128 2132 2136 2140) DO IF %Year%==%%A SET Leap=1 FOR %%A IN (2144 2148 2152 2156 2160 2164 2168 2172 2176) DO IF %Year%==%%A SET Leap=1 :CleanUp cls if %Month%==01 set Month=1 if %Month%==02 set Month=2 if %Month%==03 set Month=3 if %Month%==04 set Month=4 if %Month%==05 set Month=5 if %Month%==06 set Month=6 if %Month%==07 set Month=7 if %Month%==08 set Month=8 if %Month%==09 set Month=9 if %Day%==01 set Day=1 if %Day%==02 set Day=2 if %Day%==03 set Day=3 if %Day%==04 set Day=4 if %Day%==05 set Day=5 if %Day%==06 set Day=6 if %Day%==07 set Day=7 if %Day%==08 set Day=8 if %Day%==09 set Day=9 :DOY cls if %Month%==1 set DOY=%Day% if %Month% GEQ 2 goto LEAPDOY goto END :NOTLEAP cls if %Month%==2 set/a DOY=%Day%+31 if %Month%==3 set/a DOY=%Day%+59 if %Month%==4 set/a DOY=%Day%+90 if %Month%==5 set/a DOY=%Day%+120 if %Month%==6 set/a DOY=%Day%+151 if %Month%==7 set/a DOY=%Day%+181 if %Month%==8 set/a DOY=%Day%+212 if %Month%==9 set/a DOY=%Day%+243 if %Month%==10 set/a DOY=%Day%+273 if %Month%==11 set/a DOY=%Day%+304 if %Month%==12 set/a DOY=%Day%+334 goto End :LEAPDOY cls if not %Leap%==1 goto NOTLEAP if %Month%==2 set/a DOY=%Day%+31 if %Month%==3 set/a DOY=%Day%+60 if %Month%==4 set/a DOY=%Day%+91 if %Month%==5 set/a DOY=%Day%+121 if %Month%==6 set/a DOY=%Day%+152 if %Month%==7 set/a DOY=%Day%+182 if %Month%==8 set/a DOY=%Day%+213 if %Month%==9 set/a DOY=%Day%+244 if %Month%==10 set/a DOY=%Day%+274 if %Month%==11 set/a DOY=%Day%+305 if %Month%==12 set/a DOY=%Day%+335 goto End :End cls echo. echo The day of the year is %DOY% echo. exit It could be shorter but I don't feel like making it shorter. Go ahead and edit this if you want.

When was The Ready Set born?

The Ready Set was born in 1989.

When was Set Svanholm born?

Set Svanholm was born in 1904.

How do you set the date and time on a Relic Watch?

Set the Day of the week and the Hour by pulling the stem out all the way, set the Day of the week out by pulling the stem out walf way. Set the Day of the week and the Hour by pulling the stem out all the way, set the day of the month out by pulling the stem out walf way.

When was Set Persson born?

Set Persson was born on March 5, 1897.

When was Set Teitan born?

Set Teitan was born on 1978-09-09.

What day is the Hindus holy day?

Hindus have no set day for worshipping

What day is set aside for trees?

Arbor day

Do you believe that God has set a special day for judgment?

I do believe that god has a set special day for judgment but I don't think that anyone knows that day.

If two kids are born two minutes apart on the same day in the same month in the same year and are related and they are not twins what are they?

They are two in a set of triplets.