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September 15th; 2010 was its 189th anniversary.

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Q: What day did Nicaragua gain independence?
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In what year did Nicaragua gain their independence?


When did Nicaragua gain independence?

It became an independent republic on 09-15/16-1821

Who did Nicaragua gain its independence from?

Nicarague gained their independence from Your Mom....

When did Nicaragua obtain its independence from its colonists?

Nicaragua obtained its independence from its colonists in Sept. 15, 1821.

What day did Singapore gain its independence?

Singapore gained its independence on 9 August 1965.

What is a major historical event that happened in Nicaragua?

their independance day...September 15th 1821

What day did Ghana gain independence?

6th march 1957

What 5 latin american countries celebrate their independence on september 15TH?

Mexico, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua celebrate their independence on such day.

What is the importance of celebrating Independence Day of Pakistan?

Celebrating an independence day is a process of asserting and celebrating independence and national identity. Country should fought to gain Independence. Pakistan never did it.

What day did Chile gain independence from Spain?

September 18, 1810

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August the 31st 1962

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Venezuela gain Independence in the 1830