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Q: What day did British take control of New France?
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What year did British take control of New France?

British tookover New France in the treaty of Paris,1763.

New France passed into British control after?

The Seven Years War (1756-1763)

What happen to new France after it fell under British control?

the french had to give up on their work

What happened when France lost control of New France in the Treaty of Paris 1713?

simple, it went to the british. today new France makes up part of the country known as Canada.

Why was New France in such a difficult military position in the 1750's?

The reason New France was is such a difficult military position is because the British could cut off New France's supplies. Also New France was surrounded by the British (who was in the North) and New England (who was in the south). So New France wanted more land so they went to war with the British.

How did new France come under british law?

The French lost control of Canada to the British in the French and Indian War.

What country had control of new Orleans after the treaty of Paris 1763?

British. France abandoned all claim to north America excapt two small islands near Newfoundland

What did the British try to do after failing to take control of New England?

After failing to control the New England and Middle colonies, the British focused on the southern colonies. It was believed at the time that there were a great many loyalists there, who could hopefully be recruited to assist the British against the patriots.

What caused the fall of new France?

The british

What historical events happened in Latin America?

The French and Indian war took place in Latin America in 1763-1765. British took control of New France.

Why did the U.S. purchase of Louisiana from France?

The US purchased Louisiana from France, to acquire the control of the port of New Orleans, of the River Mississippi and the French territories west of that river, thus avoiding they could fall in British hands.

Why did the French government finally allow settlers to Come to New France?

They were afraid that the British might take over if they don't get people living there.