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This sounds like it's coming from a freshmen member! State Legislators officially take office on the First Tuesday of January following their election in November. Simply put, when they're sworn into office. Although they usually can be found wandering about the capitol anytime between winning their election and swearing in day.

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Q: What date do new members of Pennsylvania state congress take office?
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How many pennsylvania state representatives are there?

Based on the 2010 Census, there are 18 members of the U.S. House of Representatives from Pennsylvania. The Pennsylvania House of Representatives consists of 203 members, elected for two-year terms from legislative districts across the state.

How many representative Pennsylvania have in us congress?

The Pennsylvania House of Representatives consists of 203 members, elected for two-year terms from legislative districts across the state.

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Congress is made up of the Senate and the House of Representatives, whose members are elected by the citizens of the state they are running for office in, so they are elected by the people of their state.

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Members of the Senate are voted into office by voters in their respective states. Members of the House of Representatives are elected by voters in their district in their home state. They do not have to live in their district, but most do. Senators serve six-year terns, while representatives serve two-year terms.

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The people of the state vote for the senate members.

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(1) California (53 Members)

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Congress doesn't elect new members. The people from their state elect the people who will represent them in Congress.

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In a state - any member of the State Legislature. In the Congress - any member of the Representative or Senator.

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by your state or districts vote